Celebrate excellence in urban forestry

2019 Award Recipients


Kit P. Jory, Sr
Tri-City Urban Forest Coalition & The City of Fremont

David Robinson
Tree Davis Board of Directors

Bob Perry
Perry & Associates

Rachel Malarich
Koreatown Youth + Community Center


Linda Morse
La Mesa Beautiful


THE TRIFECTA (Special Award)!

Everyday Hero, Best Program and Excellence in Education

Bill Owen


Watsonville Wetlands Watch

Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve

Trees 1000 Foundation


City of Thousand Oaks

South San Francisco Parks & Recreation Department

City of Woodland

Awards Criteria

Everyday Hero Award

Awarded to an individual with outstanding community service who has demonstrated leadership in a project or organization and has shown exceptional dedication to improving California’s urban forests.

Excellence in Education Award

Awarded to an individual, organization, or agency that has done the most in the past year to advance Urban Forestry Education in California.

Recipient must have shown innovation and leadership in creating or improving educational opportunities for either individuals or organizations. This should be demonstrated through educational materials, workshops, programs, videos, public awareness programs, etc.

S.O.S. – Save Our Shade!

Awarded to an organization or community that demonstrates creative solutions toward caring for the urban tree canopy in relation to the various threats our trees face – preserving the many benefits & services delivered by the community’s trees.

Best Program

Awarded to the municipality, community, or business that has shown the most improvement in the past year or has demonstrated over a period of several years’ exceptional leadership, innovation, growth, and, community involvement in creating a consistent and well-managed urban forest.

Best Project

Awarded to an organization or community which completed an urban forestry project that:
• Addressed two or more environmental or public safety issues
• Involved the community and/or other organizations or agencies
• Significantly enhanced the urban forest and livability of the community

Community Building with Trees Award

Awarded to a corporation, agency or elected official whose mission is not urban forestry related but has demonstrated a significant and noteworthy level of contribution to a community, region, or the State of California utilizing urban forestry or green infrastructure programs to contribute to and enhance quality of life.

Designing with Trees: Public Spaces

Awarded to landscape designers, architects or town planners, the new ‘Designing with Trees’ category awards projects that utilize the benefits of trees in a creating public spaces. Public spaces are those open to the public for recreation, transportation, retail or commercial activity.