Aug ’19 Comms Report

Highlights Email subscribers increased by 43 over the past month Email click rate dropped below the industry average for non-profit newsletters Website views are up 35% and people are spending longer on the site, mostly viewing conference pages Facebook likes and...

July ’19 Comms Report

Highlights Email subscribers plateaued with no significant gains or losses Email click rate increased & above the industry average for newsletters Website stats are not fully available – the plugin measuring these was causing a conflict Facebook likes and...

May ’19 Comms

Highlights Email subscribers plateauedEmail click rate increased & above the industry averageChanged the newsletter format in May to simple in brief style, with links to content on the websiteWebsite stats are not fully available – the plugin measuring these was...

April ’19 Comms

April 2019 Highlights: Our email subscriber list is still decreasing, despite more regular monthly emails. Our subscribers, broken down by how often they open and click our emails: 20% Often 5% Sometimes 72% Rarely The April newsletter did see more opens and clicks,...

March ’19 Comms

Social Channel Stats: Email Master ListAverage open rate 19.9%Average click rate 2.2% March newsletter15.3% opens1.2% clicks February newsletter16.4% opens3.5% clicks CAUFC Communications Channels Facebook page likes: 1,135Facebook page followers: 1,132Twitter:...

February 2019

Highlights: Email subscribers have gone up slightly in the past month. We are making more of an effort to get a regular monthly newsletter out with upcoming events. To view the latest newsletter click here. CAUFC Communications Channels Facebook page likes:...