How to Plant a Miyawaki Forest at your school

Online webinar CA, United States

Learn how to plant a Miyawaki Forest at your school! These ultra-dense micro forests help reverse global warming and bring health and healing to school campuses. Miyawaki Forests include only native saplings and require low maintenance after planting. In just three years, they become self-sufficient ecosystems that require little to no watering. Miyawaki Forest benefits: […]

Working for The Greatest Good (postponed)

Online webinar CA, United States

A California Perspective of How Land Managers Can Employ Informative Data, Industry Best Practices, and Innovative Thinking to Care for Forests in An Age of Catastrophic Wildfires


What’s next for urban forestry? Urban trees in times of change.

Online webinar CA, United States

In times of climate change, a global pandemic, biodiversity loss, and other challenges, there is an increasing focus on the role of urban trees. This presentation looks at the (changing) role of urban forests as 'nature-based solutions' across the globe.
