Comms Report Dec 2020

December 2020 CIRCLE4.0 program logo has been selected, see right. CAUFC Communications Channels Email subscribers: 3,909  The email subscribers have slightly decreased over the past month, with a number of addresses being cleaned with the latest email newsletter....

Comms Report Nov 2020

November 2020 CIRCLE4.0 program logo concepts. These are the three designs the team has voted on. The second design, with the heavy line, is leading the way, with the addition of the singing bird. The feedback for the final design (far right) included increasing the...

Comms Report Oct 2020

October 2020 At the end of September, I had to evacuate for 7 days due to the Glass Fire and am still catching up on several things. Our house is fine, and we have returned. On the right is a map of how close it was. The green lines represent the active fires that...

Comms Report Sept 2020

September 2020 Our Trees are Essential campaign is continuing. Initial survey results from 38 responses have been put into an infographic. We had a few more responses after a social media push and are now at 49 responses.  Trees are Essential Initial Survey Results...

Comms Report August 2020

August 2020 Our Trees are Essential campaign is continuing. Initial survey results from 38 responses have been put into an infographic. We will be adding a few more questions to the residential survey. These questions include how much time people are spending in urban...

Comms Report July

July 2020 We have launched our Trees are Essential campaign at the end of June. The campaign area of the website features tools and resources to help people advocate for urban trees. The first call to action of the campaign centered on a survey. The survey is designed...