What’s in your Soil? A guide to thinking and problem-solving with urban soils

GoToWebinar virtual event CA, United States

Healthy soils are fundamental to healthy and climate-resilient trees but can seem elusive in cities. In addition, they are often hidden from view and poorly understood. Dr Day will share her research as well as practical perspective on approaching urban soils: how we can learn about, protect, and manage our own soils in our own communities.


How to Plant a Miyawaki Forest at your school

Online webinar CA, United States

Learn how to plant a Miyawaki Forest at your school! These ultra-dense micro forests help reverse global warming and bring health and healing to school campuses. Miyawaki Forests include only native saplings and require low maintenance after planting. In just three years, they become self-sufficient ecosystems that require little to no watering. Miyawaki Forest benefits: […]