- Email subscribers plateaued with no significant gains or losses
- Email click rate increased & above the industry average for newsletters
- Website stats are not fully available – the plugin measuring these was causing a conflict
- Facebook likes and followers continue to grow
- Board fundraising pages set up & running – results below
CAUFC Communications Channels
Facebook page likes: 1,249
Facebook page followers: 1,249
Twitter: 960
Email subscribers: 1,519
Email Audience
Our email subscriber list has plateaued over the past month.
Since May, and using a simpler design for our newsletter, our subscribers who rarely open our newsletters has dropped 2%.
Our subscribers, broken down by how often they open and click our emails:
- 17% Often
- 7% Sometimes
- 74% Rarely
June newsletter – See the newsletter here
16.7% opens
4.9% clicks
List average 19.7%
Industry average open
List average 2.2%
Industry average click rate 2.2%
July newsletter – See the newsletter here
17.0% opens
4.5% clicks
List average 19.7%
Industry average open
List average 2.2%
Industry average click rate 2.2%

MailChimp open (turquoise) and click rate (green).
CAUFC Website Views and Visits
- The conference is gaining attention.
- Our 404 Not Found page in the top 10 most visited may have been a bad link shared in either an email or online.
- Visitors have also been checking out the Sacramento Valley Regional Council page.
- Conference page continues to receive visits
- Annual awards entries are starting to be submitted
- Sacramento RUFC events are popular
- The June newsletter captured people’s attention, with an average of almost six minutes spent on the page
- Conference pages were being visited, especially after the email blast about registrations being open.
- Urban Wood: Grow Once. Benefit Twice. has also been popular

Most visited pages (since May 2019 – new analytics plugin)
- 2019 Conference | California Urban Forests Council
- California Urban Forests Council | Growing Trees Make Great Communities (homepage)
- California Urban Forests Council (older homepage)
- Unveiling the City of Sacramento’s new Urban Forest Master Plan
- Why Urban Forests?
- Annual Awards 2019
- About Us
- Events
- Sacramento Valley Area Urban Forest Council
- Board
Average time on site
The average time visitors are spending on the website increased in July (statistics are for July 1 to July 14 only).

Amount raised during the 2019 campaign.
- 2019 Fundraising Campaign – Percentage of goal attained 0.01315%
Our standard donation page has yielded $610.22 since the beginning of the year. Another $7,000 has been received for our advocacy work from one of our sponsors.
The conference has raised $1,351 thus far in registrations.
IFGU Communications Channels
Facebook page likes: 912
Facebook page followers: 879
Twitter: 543
Instagram: 652

IFGU Website Views and Visits
Looking at the top 10 most visited pages on the Invest from the Ground Up site, early pages, like that of a free tree offer for Albany continue to receive visits. I will redirect this page to our current tree-planting campaigns that offer free trees.

Most visited pages (since May 2019 – new analytics plugin)
- Invest From the Ground Up
- Trees are the Lungs of the Earth
- San Francisco Bay Area Tree Planting Project
- Arbor Day Foundation Community Canopy Trees
- Cool Parks
- Tree Planting and Latest News
- Resources
- About
- A Special Summer Free Street Tree Offer for Albany Residents
- Adopt a tree