2020 California Urban Forests Council Haiku Contest
Theme: “SereniTree” – How trees lift our spirits and save our souls…

First Place – Tami Granada

Second Place – Sheri Cobble

Tied Third Place – Mike Johnson

Tied Third Place – Vanessa Wyns

Honorable Mention – An’ya Bartolovic
View the gallery to see all submissions for the 2020 Haiku competition.

Judging the submissions
All the haikus submitted were given a number and the author’s name removed as part of our blind judging process. Our panel of 3 judges then evaluated each poem against the following criteria:
- Relevance to the theme
- Creativity/Style and Originality
- Coherence of form and structure (harmony of words, presentation)
- Clarity of imagery and language
Each judge awarded a score of 1 to 5 in relation to each of the criteria, with 5 being excellent. These were then tallied to give an overall score.