California Department of Forestry
and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
Urban and Community Forestry Program
California Climate Investments Grants Workshops
The CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Program is putting on workshops. Participants will learn about CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry California Climate Investment Grant offerings for 2016/2017. Types of eligible projects, eligible applicants, the application process, and grant administration will be discussed. Technical questions will be answered. Project rating criteria will be discussed. There will be adequate time for questions and answers.
West Sacramento Community Center
1075 West Capitol Ave. West Sacramento, CA 94691
See the link below for parking instructions. https://www.cityofwestsacramento.org/city/depts/pcs/ccp.asp
San Francisco Bay Area – Nov. 16, 12:30-2:30
Oakland City Hall
1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza
Oakland, CA 94612
There is a charge for parking in the garages nearby
The 12th Street BART station is two blocks away
N. San Joaquin Valley Area – Nov. 14, 10:00-12:00
City of Tracy Public Works
520 Tracy Blvd, Boyd Center– Gate 3
Tracy, CA 95376
From Eleventh Street, head south on Tracy Blvd. From Tracy Blvd, heading South, and immediately following 6th Street/Beechnut St. lights, (and Railroad tracks), turn left at third gate (Gate 3) into parking area.
South San Joaquin Valley Area – Nov. 17, 9:00-11:00
Fresno City Hall
2600 Fresno Street, 4th floor, Rm. 4017
Fresno, CA 93721
To get to Room 4017: Upon exiting the elevators, make a right. Walk past the parking office and the bank of windows, and the Public Works department entrance (labeled as 4016) will be on your right hand side.
Ventura/Santa Barbara Area – Nov. 15, 10:00-12:00
Ventura County RCD Office
3380 Somis Road
Somis, CA 93066
Los Angeles/Orange Area – Nov. 17, 9:00-11:00
City of Compton
Dollarhide Community Center
301 N Tamarind Ave, Compton, CA 90220
San Diego Area – Nov. 16, 10:00-12:00
War Memorial Building – Room 3
Park Blvd. – Balboa Park
San Diego, CA 92101
Park in the Zoo lot, then enter via Zoo Place, then travel to the north side of parking lot.
Coachella Valley/Imperial County Area- Nov. 17, 10:00-12:00
Indio Community Center
45-871 Clinton St. Indio, CA 92201
High Desert Area –Nov. 22, 10:00-12:00
Victorville City Hall
14343 Civic Drive
Victorville, CA 92392
The workshop will be in Conference Room A.
NOTE: CAL FIRE will have also have a webinar in the near future. Please watch the websites below for information about this and general information about the CAL FIRE Urban and Community Forestry Program.