November 2023 Overview
Reporting on the previous month’s activity and results.
Social Media (Meta)
We have 1,886 followers on Facebook and 1,096 followers on Instagram.
We posted career opportunities on Twitter last month and received more views than usual.
Email subscribers
We have migrated to Network for Good. Current subscribers number 4,870.
Website visits
Visitors spent 2:14 min on our site last month. ED role & our board page were highly viewed.
CAUFC Communications Channels
Facebook & Instagram
The blue line shows October activity, and the gray line is the previous month. The spike on Facebook visits was the post for the ED role.
Facebook & Instagram Audience
The chart on the right shows our Meta (Facebook and Instagram) audience. You can see our followers and basic demographic information. Our audience has started to move into a younger cohort. Followers are up from last month for both platforms.
Facebook Content Performance
Facebook reach and engagement runs from August 16 to November 13.

Instagram Content Performance
Instagram results are from August 16 to November 13.

On Twitter, we have 1,196 followers, down two followers. We will be posting more when campaigns start rolling out.

Email Audience & Newsletter Performance
CaUFC Master List: 4,870
Here is a breakdown of our email supporters.
Regional Council groups
Bay Area Urban Forests Ecosystem Council: 333
Central Coast: 165
Inland Urban Forest Council: 266
Sacramento Valley: 704
San Diego: 717
San Joaquin Valley: 54
STS: 290
I am working on our fall newsletter, which will go out just before Thanksgiving. I’ve moved our newsletters to be seasonal, to allow for announcements and sharing opportunities when they arise. I also have blog posts planned to be shared by email and on our social media channels. This allows for shorter but more focused content for our supporters.
More focused content is leading to higher open rates ranging from 18.4% up to 50%. The click rate is also up, ranging from 3.8% to 6%. Our highest open-and-click rate was for Miranda’s webinar on IRA funding; 72.4% opened the email blast, and 21.5% clicked on the link.
CAUFC Website Performance
August 2023
Google Analytics was updated and our tracking is working again. I need to fix the analytics for our IFGU site too.

Top pages by views
- California Urban Forests Council (Homepage) | 488
- Opportunities | 366
- Board | 78
- Overview | 60
- About Us | 57
- Staff | 44
- Programs | 43
- California Climate Trees Map | 42
- Dr. Ming Kuo | 42
- Nancy Hughes | 35
This chart shows the performance of our fundraising page over the past year.