July 2022
CAUFC Communications Channels
Facebook & Instagram
Meta (Facebook) has changed how they report analytics for both Facebook and Instagram. Measures like ‘reach’ (how many people are seeing your posts or page), from traditional advertising, are more important than follower numbers. Also important to know, is the audience interacting with our content. It is important to note that ‘reach’ is an estimated metric.
The percentage up or down measure is this period in relation to the previous period, which is the last month (June 2022) compared to the previous month (May 2022). Facebook is shown on the left, Instagram on the right, and the previous period is the gray line.
See last month’s report to see changes in our profile performance.
Facebook & Instagram Audience
Meta (Facebook) has changed how they report analytics for both Facebook and Instagram. Statistics on our audience reveal the age and gender, the top cities for our followers, as well as the top countries. The audience statistics are for all the time that has passed since we set up our page.
See last month’s report to see changes in our audience.
Facebook & Instagram Content Performance
Statistics reveal how our posts have performed over the past month. It is important to have our audience interact with our posts. More interaction with a post will then improve the reach of a post.
Our best performing post in June was an article that appeared in Outside magazine title “How Los Angeles is Leading the Urban Tree-Planting Revolution”

On Twitter, we now have just over 1,200 followers. We have not been tweeting much lately but will be becoming more active on the platform as we roll out the promotion of the conference, awards, haiku contest, and upcoming campaigns.

Email Audience & Newsletter Performance

Our newsletter for March was all about the AMPlifying the Urban Forest event, encouraging our audience to come out and join us to plant trees.
CaUFC Master List: 3,975
AMPlify List: 930
Email subscribers have remained fairly constant last year. We have started email blasts related to the AMPlify grant with the aim to engage volunteers from past planting events. We had to create a separate list for people interested in signing up to get updates about the events and for communicating with the volunteers. Some of our subscribers would be on both lists. We had a higher bounce rate with our latest newsletter, and it looks like a number of people have left or changed roles since our last newsletter.
CAUFC Website Performance
July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022
The chart on the right tracks the page views and visitors to the site each month. Visits to the website increased in February with interest in the AMPlify events.


We will be launching other fundraising campaigns in the coming months, including merchandise (new designs for t-shirts) and also a peer-to-peer campaign.
IFGU Communications Channels
Facebook & Instagram
Meta (Facebook) has changed how they report analytics for both Facebook and Instagram. Measures like ‘reach’ (how many people are seeing your posts or page), from traditional advertising, are more important than follower numbers. Also important to know, is the audience interacting with our content. It is important to note that ‘reach’ is an estimated metric.
The percentage up or down measure is this period in relation to the previous period, which is the last month (June 2022) compared to the previous month (May 2022). Facebook is shown on the left, Instagram on the right, and the previous period is the gray line.
See last month’s report to see changes in our profile performance.
We haven’t been posting as much to the IFGU Facebook and Instagram feeds since the AMPlify events back in March. We will be more active in the coming months with the conference coming up.

On Twitter, we now have just over 1,200 followers. We have not been tweeting much lately but will be becoming more active on the platform as we roll out the promotion of the conference, awards, haiku contest, and upcoming campaigns.

IFGU Website Views and Visits
Visits to the IFGU site peaked with the AMPlify events.

Website performance over the past year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022)

Save our trees, and save water
Our campaign is to educate people that there are many small things you can do to save water around the home and garden that you can use to save your trees. To emphasize that trees are a priority, our text leads with “save our trees” while you are also saving water. On social media, we are asking people to take the 5-gallon challenge. As most young trees need 5-gallons of water to survive, we are showing how easy it is to collect these 5 gallons a week. We have a page on our site with numerous tips for saving water to save trees and have been sharing those on our social media channels. More posts are scheduled in the future. See some below.