October 9, 2014

Hello << Test First Name >>,

Here’s what’s happening in urban and community forestry:

Thanks for all you do for urban forestry!

Nancy Hughes signature

Nancy Hughes, Executive Director
California Urban Forests Council

USDA Sec. Tom Vilsack Invites You to Be Part of the Action This October

Washington, DC is going to help celebrate the 10th anniversary of National NeighborWoods Month. USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has issues a video message encouraging all Americans to “be part of the action” this month by planting and caring for trees. Watch the video by clicking this link. There are many ways to get involved. To register your tree event, find out where to volunteer near you, or show your support through a donation, click here.

San Diego, CA has Two Vacancies in Urban Forestry

The City of San Diego has two vacancies in urban forestry, for Horticulturalist to implement tree maintenance programs and City Forester to develop and lead city-wide urban forestry programs. Click here to learn more about the duties and experience required for the Horticulturalist position. The City Forester position will be advertised this fall at the senior Program Manager level.  Click here for more information but the city will send another notification when the City Forester/Senior Planner position is announced.

New Guidelines to Bring Nature Play to Every Community 

National Wildlife Federation and the Natural Learning initiative released Nature Play & Learning Places: Creating and Managing Places Where Children Engage with Nature, which is a 192-page illustrated guide to nature play design. These guidelines show how to create the type of nature play and learning area with trees, shrubs, flowers, and natural materials so that children and families can experience and appreciate wildlife and nature at every place they use in every community. The guidelines draw from Robin Moore and Allen Cooper’s extensive experience and the project was funded by the US Forest Service. To download and read the full text of the guidelines click here.

Click here to read this article “Viewpoints: Urgent action needed to save Sierra forests” about the severe fires in Sierra Nevada. 

 Click here to ready this NY Times article “Once Considered Won, Battle Against Invasive Beetles Is Renewed.” 

Structural Pruning Workshops with Dr. Ed Gilman and Brian Kempf. To view dates for the locations of Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Rosa, and Sacramento and register click here.  
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