- Email subscribers increased by 43 over the past month
- Email click rate dropped below the industry average for non-profit newsletters
- Website views are up 35% and people are spending longer on the site, mostly viewing conference pages
- Facebook likes and followers continue to grow
- New, simple board page set up
CAUFC Communications Channels
Facebook page likes: 1,260
Facebook page followers: 1,259
Twitter: 967
Email subscribers: 1,562
Email Audience
Our email subscriber list has increased over the past month. I have been going through and cleaning our list, removing incorrect contacts and unsubscribes, as well as combining lists to remove duplicates. Part of the increase may have been a result of combining lists.
Our subscribers, broken down by how often they open and click our emails:
- 14% Often
- 4% Sometimes
- 76% Rarely
July newsletter – See the newsletter here
17.0% opens
4.5% clicks
August newsletter – See the newsletter here
14.3% opens
1.5% clicks
List average: 19.7%
Industry average open rate: 20.1%
List average: 2.2%
Industry average click rate: 2.2%
Interestingly, many of the most clicked on links from our newsletter was to the most popular articles we had shared on Facebook (20% of all clicks). An event for the Bay Area Chapter of the California Society of American Foresters received 17% of all clicks.
Our workshop flyer for the Cool Parks Santee event received 7% of all clicks, as did the Annual Awards nomination reminder.

MailChimp open (turquoise) and click rate (green).
CAUFC Website Views and Visits
Many of the important metrics for website performance are all up.
- Sessions up 20.36%
- Page views up 35.12%
- Visitors up 19.69%
- Average time on site up 41.68%
Conference pages were among the most visited pages on the website.
We are now tracking the key search terms people are using to find our website with the top five:
- california urban forest council
- california urban plants
- board resources
- 2019 ca urban forests conference
- California Urban Forests

Most visited pages*
- Home page
- Schedule 2019
- Speakers 2019
- Events
- Resources
- Annual Awards 2019
- Why Urban Forests?
- Getting here 2019
- About Us
- California Climate Trees Map
*since May 2019 – new analytics plugin
Average time on site
The average time visitors are spending on the website increased in over the past month, up 41.68% to 2 minutes and 19 seconds.

Amount raised during the 2019 campaign.
- Percentage of goal attained: 0.13% 0.01315%
Conference Registrations
Tree Tour: 16
Conference: 32
Awards & Soiree: 3
Net Raised
Fees $231.45
IFGU Communications Channels
Facebook page likes: 912
Facebook page followers: 879
Twitter: 543
Instagram: 652

IFGU Website Views and Visits
Looking at the top 10 most visited pages on the Invest from the Ground Up site, early pages, like that of a free tree offer for Albany continue to receive visits. This page has been re-directed to our free trees offer as part of the community canopy program of CIRCLE3.0.

Most visited pages in the past month
- Invest From the Ground Up
- Arbor Day Foundation Community Canopy Trees
- San Francisco Bay Area Tree Planting Project
- “Trees are Messy” – Part 1: tips for Controlling Your Trees Yield
- Santee Neighborhood Tree Planting Program
- Trees are the Lungs of the Earth
- Trees mean business
- Cool Parks: Santee
- IFGU 2014 Community Tree Planting