We are Friend-Raising!
Feel like contributing your time and talents?
Interested in making a difference for California communities & cities, & the environment?
CaUFC is currently recruiting for new Board Members!
The California Urban Forest Council (CaUFC) has opportunities for individuals to serve on the organization’s Board of Directors.
Board members are vital in directing and assisting the organization in meeting its fundraising and program goals.
CaUFC invites individuals who are passionate about trees and dedicated to the cause of urban forestry, and who are committed to actively participate in Board meetings, fundraising activities and advocacy.
Board members should share the organization’s belief that working closely together with different partners, we can achieve greater membership and financial resources.
Board members should value the social and community-building benefits that serving the organization brings.
Ready to apply?
Thank you for considering participating with us!
Question? Contact Nate Faris at 415-479-8733 or [email protected].