August 21, 2014

Hello Urban Forestry Friends,

Here’s what’s happening in urban and community forestry:

Thanks for all you do for urban forestry!

Nancy Hughes signature

Nancy Hughes, Executive Director
California Urban Forests Council

Drought Stressed Trees – What Happens, What to Look For – by: Bruce Hagen

Read this article from one of California’s great urban foresters, Bruce W. Hagen. It discusses the important environmental issue of water availability and its affects on tree growth, health and longevity. Hagen defines what drought is, how to identify water stress, and how the length of the drought can increase the negative affects. Click here for the article. 

Help Your Trees Survive the Drought!

Let us customize this infographic for your use in your community – we need to share with neighbors and friends how to look after our trees through these tough times so they can continue to grace our neighborhoods and enhance our lives!  Cities, nonprofits, water districts, and more are using this to spread the word. We can add your logo and URL on the bottom right and get you a PDF ASAP!

Nominations Sought for NUCFAC

Please click this link to view U.S. Forest Service’s call for nominations for 14 members of the National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council (NUCFAC).  Five positions are expiring this year and will be filled first.  Nominations for the other positions are also being accepted and will be reviewed at the time that those terms are due to expire. Click here to view their website.

Nominations are due by September 15, 2014


Grant Opportunity: Community Forest & Open Space Conservation Program

This announcement is regarding the Request for Applications for the U.S. Forest Service’s Community Forest and Open Space Conservation Program. This program “awards grants to local governments, Indian tribes, and qualified nonprofit organizations to establish community forests for community benefits by acquiring and protecting private forestlands.” Click here for more information about the program including grant amount, dates, and eligibility.

Deadline for submitting applications to the State Forester or equivalent official of the Indian Tribe: January 16, 2015

Boulder County Jobs

Boulder County is looking for a Senior Forester and a “Resource Specialist” (EAB). Click here for more information. 


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