May 21, 2013

Hello Urban Forests Friends,

Here’s what’s happening in urban and community forestry:
Tree Act for Energy Conservation
CARB report supports Urban Forestry
Can thirsty Trees ask for water?
Grant opportunities UF-Water Quality Projects
Thanks for all you do for urban forestry!


Sonali Shah
Communications Manager
California Urban Forests Council

TREES Act for Energy Conservation

Shade treeIn late April, Congresswoman Doris Matsui (CA-6), and co-sponsors Earl Blumenauer (OR-3) and Barbara Lee (CA-13) introduced The Residential Energy and Economic Savings (TREES) Act. The legislation aims at reducing residential energy consumption and costs through strategically planting residential shade trees nationwide. More
(From ACTrees)

CARB report supports Urban Forestry

tree and sky imageThe California Air Resources Board (CARB), in cooperation with the Department of Finance and CAL EPA, have released their Draft Investment Plan for Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds. Positive for urban forestry, the report repeatedly recognizes Urban Forestry as a sound investment strategy to meet the goals and objectives of AB 32.

Specifically the document recommends using CAL FIRE’s existing programs for funds distribution and recognizes the role urban forestry plays in benefiting disadvantaged communities.

Next steps will be focused on using this report to convince the Legislature and the Administration to invest in urban forestry through CAL FIRE this year.

To learn more about the report, visit ReLeaf’s blog here.
(Summarized from ReLeaf’s newsletter)

Can thirsty Trees ask for water?

watering treesNew research from a team of French scientists have captured ultrasonic noise made by bubbles forming inside water-stressed trees.

The objective is for the findings to lead to the design of a handheld device that allows people to diagnose stressed trees using only microphones.  Such a device may become especially important if droughts become more common and severe as many climate change models predict they will.  Learn more

Grant opportunities UF & Water Quality Projects

The U.S. Forest Service (FS) and National Association of State Foresters (NASF) are seeking demonstration project proposals that highlight how flexible funding invested in forestry activities across State and Private Forestry (SPF) programs can make a cost effective difference on-the-ground with regard to water quality.  Up to 6 projects and $500K to be awarded.

clean water

Deadline: June 15th, 2013
Learn more

Invest From the Ground Up logo

Check out upcoming events and other exciting news about the Invest From the Ground Up campaign.

If you live in East Hollywood, RSVP today for our Business Improvement Forum all about the many benefits of trees on business and public health.
Dr. Kathy Wolf and Dr. Dick Jackson will be speaking. You won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity.

UF Poster Contest for 3rd, 4th and 5th Graders
Know any 3rd, 4th, or 5th Grade Students interested in Trees or Art? Check out the California ReLeaf Arbor Week Poster Contest

Students are asked to create original artwork on the theme “The Trees in my Community are an Urban Forest.”

Submission deadline: Feb 15, 2013

Winners will be featured at the State Fair and awarded cash prizes provided by the California Community Forests Foundation.

Contest rules, classroom curriculum, and prize list are available here.

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